Never ask a woman her age;
Never ask a man his salary;
Never ask D-ray about his cornettos.

? ? ? @NeoD-ray

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Joined on 10/23/18

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So, this is it.

I'm writing this blog post to inform anyone who will stumble upon this account in the future, that said account will be inactive from this point forward.

I won't be deleting anything, of course, is just that being on Newgrounds won't be very common of me anymore.

My life has changed a lot since I started, for the good and for the worst.

Posting and collaborating here has NEVER been a priority, but a pleasure. Something to do to break the repetitive nature of my big artistic projects.

But recently, and by that I mean the last two years, my health has gotten really bad due to lack of self control regarding drawing and everything desk related. Other than that, I've finally found an ACTUAL job, so my attention will need to shift onto that too.

It's sad, really, but nothing lasts forever. And besides, is not like I could physically continue living like this anyway.

The time for my art will be drastically reduced, already was before, but it will even more by forcing me to remove everything that is not my main project.

I'll probably even hangout with friends a lot less, but I've trained my mind for that, so it won't bother me all that much.

I'm really proud of myself. Yes, even if some things lead me to bad stuff. At least I can safely say I made my own mistakes rather than feed off someone else's triumphs.

After all this rambling, I just wanted to say goodbye to anyone who worked with me in making stuff. Is not like I really care all that much, but I felt the need to say it.

While you'll very likely forget me, I'll not forget you.

So feel bad about it, plebeians.

To those who know me more than that, I'll say thanks. I don't need to make names, because they are not my fans, they are not a number, but symbols.

Thank you so much for staying with a mutant like the undersigned for so long.

If you want, please, remain in touch, here's my email: pescioislove@gmail.com

Now, I really need to sleep. I'm tired, and tomorrow will be hard.

The boss must die.

xoxo D-ray


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